凯兆-KaiZhao ,是专注从事高科技产品设计、开发和生产的公司;拥有一支高素质、富有创造力的科技队伍,本着以科技服务客户的宗旨,为客户提供高技术含量的设计解决方案和高质量的产品。

凯兆- KaiZhao 为客户提供:各类消费产品、前装车载、后装车载、工控、电子白板…等数字与通讯产品之 Touch Panel开发、设计、制造生产等。公司拥有多种电子产品设计及集成的软件环境和仪器量测设备。具有良好的协外加工和配合协调的能力,有一批正规供货商配合工作。工厂已经完成各项质量管理体系认证工作,竭诚为客户提供优良质量的产品和满意的服务。

凯兆-KaiZhao 的今天是全体员工奋斗的成果,凯兆-KaiZhao 明天也将会有每个员工的奉献。我们是一个年轻的团队,我们充满活力,我们拥有激情,我们憧憬美好的未来。所以,我们将以“整合、创新、诚信”为经营之本,用广阔的胸怀容贤纳才,以昂扬的斗志奔向更高的目标。

KaiZhao, focusing on developing, designing, and producing high-tech products, is formed by a high-qualified and innovative team that always provides our esteemed clients with high-tech embedded solutions especially to high specifications.

KaiZhao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is devoted to developing and manufacturing TP of all kinds of consumption products, automotive products(in-dash and aftermarket), IPCs, and interactive whiteboards for our clients. We deploy the environment with diversified electronics products design and integrated software, and the detecting and measuring instruments. With collaborating efficiently with our quality suppliers to meet the requirements of our customers, and certificates of several Quality Management System, KaiZhao is well-prepared to devote our excellent manufacturing and contented service to our customers.

What KaiZhao have achieved currently is thanks to what our crew have contributed. We will move forward hand in hand with every of our employees. Our team is young, energetic, and passionate, and look for better future. All of the elements result in commitment to manage the corporate with Integrity, Sincerity and Trust, to recruit talents with generosity, and to aspire after higher and higher goals with arousing morale.


KaiZhao電子技術有限公司は、あらゆる種類の消費製品、自動車製品(インダッシュおよびアフターマーケット)、IPC、およびインタラクティブホワイトボードの開発および製造に専念しています。我々は、多様化したエレクトロニクス製品の設計と統合されたソフトウェア、および検出および測定機器を使用して環境を展開します。 KaiZhaoは、顧客の要件を満たす品質のサプライヤと複数の品質管理システムの証明書を効率的に連携させることで、優れた製造と満足のいくサービスをお客様に提供する準備が整いました。
